Wednesday, March 17, 2010

iPhones, Nexus Surpass Blackberry, Tech Support Reveals

Crowd Science study gives a real blow to Blackberry tech support team. The study reveals that almost 40 percent of BlackBerry smartphone users would like to have Apple iPhones while almost one third of them are eyeing Google’s Nexus One as their next smatphone purchase choice.

However, the results can be a bit skewed suggested the computer support people. While the user dissatisfaction is revealed greatly with the study result some facts have not got that hype in the result. One of the reasons for user dissatisfaction could be due to the forcible corporate use of Blackberries rather than the more user friendly iPhones or Nexus.

The study also reveals that only 32 percent of the users would like to continue with Blackberry smartphones for their next purchase while a massive 90 percent users of Nexus One and iPhones would like to continue with the current smatphones brand for their next purchase. So in terms of brand loyalty Blackberries also got a huge blow by its two rivals Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone.

Though Crowd science CEO suggested these study-reveals as just the result of the restlessness among the Blackberry smartphone users, tech support team for this attractive smartphone user interface will have a lot to think about their next innovations.

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